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Final Fantasy has existed since the 1980s. It has proved to be one of the longest running video-game series of all time, along the likes of: Mario; Zelda; Sonic; Pokemon; and Grand Theft Auto. In some ways, FFVII is similar to the video-game Leisure Suit Larry...
In terms of numbers, we are now up as far as Final Fantasy XVI (16). The number 16 does not include spin-offs and sequels. For example: there is Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy IV The After Years; Final Fantasy X, and Final Fantasy X-2; Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Lightning Returns. The numbering system is called Roman Numerals.
Final Fantasy XI and Final Fantasy XIV are both online games. Final Fantasy VII exists in many ways.
I've been playing FFVII (Wikipedia) on and off since my friend Zein gave me the original PlayStation 1 game for my 14th birthday in 1998, mastering most aspects of the gameplay.
Superficially, Final Fantasy video games are somewhat similar to other epic stories; Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Hobbit, even Star Wars. But if any of those stories are described as epical, then Final Fantasy games are epical on a whole another level.
Future generations will see Lord of the Rings as myth and Harry Potter as legend; but the Final Fantasy series will be seen as some of the greatest artwork of all time. It will be a large part of a new Renaissance and dawning for the 3rd Millennium, of which I hope to take part in. For more, please visit my About me Page.
Final Fantasy VII is the story of how Cloud Strife, a mercenary in the slums, becomes aware of threats to the Planet's future and confronts those threats, meeting a number of colorful friends and foes along the way. FFVII features an intricate, highly customisable battle system; cross-dressing; submarines and space rockets alongside swords, magic and dragons; as well as an anti-hero in the form of Cloud who is always up for some fun even if he's not too sure what's going on; and Sephiroth, an anti-villain I can almost sympathise with at times despite him being hell-bent on destroying the Planet.
I aim to help you with several guides to the original videogame, whether you're confused by all the numbers or looking to max out your Materia.
To view the guides, scroll down to the hyperlinks menu.
I particularly encourage you to visit my YouTube Channel, FFVII Elite. I have spent a lot of time and thought creating unique FFVII content.
If you own a Final Fantasy-themed website and want to exchange links, please get in touch. receives a substantial amount of traffic. If you are interested in renting out advertising space, in the form of a clickable link banner or banners, please email me and hopefully we can come to a deal.
The Remake & Other Newer Final Fantasy VII Games
It has been confirmed that the complete re-making of FFVII will be in 3 parts, covering Remake, Rebirth and an as yet untitled final part.
The 2nd Part of the full re-making of the original game, "Final Fantasy VII Rebirth", was released for PlayStation 5 on February 29th 2024. It is now also available on Steam for PC.
The 1st Part, simply called "Final Fantasy VII Remake," was released on April 10th, 2020 for PlayStation 4.
Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade, an expanded version of FFVII Remake, is available on PlayStation 5. Intergrade is also available on Steam for PC as of the year 2022.
I find it very likely that all 3 parts of the re-making will eventually appear on Nintendo and Microsoft home consoles.
A Final Fantasy VII game for smartphone and tablet, "Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis," is now available. It's a kind of "alternative Remake," truer in some ways to the original game. In the main story of the game, the characters have a "modern-stylized polygon look", while the battle graphics are "high-quality graphics optimized for mobile". This is similar, in a way, to the original game where story graphics and battle graphics are done in different ways to each other; overall I would say the aesthetics of Ever Crisis are significantly better than the original game. Finally, the battle system is considered "fast-paced command-based battle evolved from FFVII's Active Time Battle."
Ever Crisis features the "never-before told story of a young hero, Sephiroth," as well as the storylines of Crisis Core and the original Final Fantasy VII.
A remade version of the game Crisis Core, originally for PSP, is now available on PS4, PS5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Steam on PC. It is named Crisis Core Reunion.
Most of the pages on this website are guides to the original Final Fantasy VII.
Website by Paulo Piper Segurado
Items Winnable from Battles Guide
Wall Market Cross-Dressing Guide
Turtle's Paradise Flyers Locations
Materia Selling Guide (make loads of Gil)
Ultimate Weapon, Emerald Weapon & Ruby Weapon