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Final Fantasy VII Armor

N.B. This is a guide to the original FFVII.

Beginner's Armor

You can equip different armor to your party members by opening up the menu screen and selecting "Equip". As you play through the game, you will obtain new armor.

New armor can be more powerful, and there are many different aspects to a piece of armor's power. The armor's "Defence" stat indicates how useful the armor is at reducing damage from enemies' physical attacks - higher numbers are better. "Magic Defence" is an indicator for how well the armor reduces damage from magical attacks; again, higher numbers are better. "Defence %" gives you an idea of how likely physical attacks are to miss altogether; likewise "Magic Defence %" indicates how likely opponents' magic attacks are to miss.

Almost every armor in the game has Materia slots; it is more useful to have more Materia slots, as this allows you to equip more Materia. Linked Materia slots are also more useful than unlinked slots. Furthermore, different armor can have different growth rates for Materia. A growth rate of "Nothing" means Materia will not level up if equipped to that armor. "Normal" growth rate means that the Materia will gain as much AP as you win after a battle. "Double" growth means that Materia will receive twice the AP you win after battle, causing the Materia to level up faster.

Certain armor also have special effects, such as being resistant to certain magical elements.

Guide to the Best Armor

I consider the Mystile to be the best armor in FFVII. It is possible to obtain 3 Mystiles, allowing you to equip one to each of your party members in the standard team of 3. Here I will explain how to obtain all 3 Mystiles.

N.B. I cannot get this glitch to work on the more recent PS4 version of the original game. Assumedly, this means it also won't work in the more recent PC Download, or the Xbox One or Nintendo Switch versions. It seems in these versions of the game you are stuck with a maximum of 2 Mystiles...

You obtain the 1st Mystile in the game from a treasure chest after fighting Proud Clod in the return to Midgar; that's quite straightforward.

In order to ensure you get both the 2nd and 3rd ones, you have to juggle around a bit Inside Northern Cave on your descent.

N.B. This only works the very first time you descend to the bottom of the Northern Cave.

When your party first splits, send Tifa down the right path and take Cloud down the left path. When you reach the bottom of the Crater, rather than talking to any of your party members, head straight back up the Crater again. When you reach the cut-off point where your party had first split, this time take the right path with Cloud.

You will find the 2nd Mystile in a chest along the way on the right path. Proceed to the bottom of the Crater again. This time talk to Tifa. She will give you the 3rd Mystile. It's a bit of a cheat/glitch, but it's very good to have 3 of the best armor in the game: it means you can equip a Mystile to everyone in a 3 character party.

You can use a similar glitch to get teammates to give you other Items; again this only works when you first descend the Northern Cave, and NOT in more recent versions of the original Final Fantasy VII. It can be handy obtaining 2 Mega All Materia for example, but as with most any Materia you could always just get more through mastering the Materia. It is also possible to obtain 3 of the Imperial Guard armor by picking up 2 Inside Northern Cave and winning one from the boss in the final Fort Condor battle (you must fight him with your level high enough, or you will only receive a Shinra Alpha armor), but the Imperial Guard armor isn't really great.

Let's take a more detailed look at the best armor to equip in the game. In my opinion, it doesn't really get any better than equipping each of your 3 party members with a Mystile; you get 6 linked Materia slots for each party member, as well as very high Defence % and Magic Defence %. The Wizard Bracelet armor has 8 linked Materia slots; but in my humble opinion the high Defence % and Magic Defence % of the Mystile compensate for the loss of 2 Materia slots when compared to the Wizard Bracelet armor. The Wizard Bracelet is nonetheless an excellent option if you do come up with a Materia setup that requires that many Materia - here you can find out a lot more about Materia.

The Ziedrich armors that you can steal from Rude are also of interest as they have very high Defence and Magic Defence as well as decent Defence % and Magic Defence %, with ½ Elemental Defence being the icing on the cake – the only problem is the Ziedrich requires a more spartan setup as it has 0 Materia slots. Aside from these, the Aegis Armlet (Aegis Amulet) is interesting as it also has very decent Defence % and Magic Defence %. Finally, the Escort Guard and Minerva Band can be great options as you get 6 linked Materia slots and superb elemental defence. I don’t recommend the Imperial Guard mentioned earlier – the high Defence and high Magic Defence simply aren’t as useful as the high Defence % and high Magic Defence % of the Mystile.

Armor List

This table lists all of the armor in FFVII. I have tried to go from least to most useful.

Name D. D. % M. D. M. D. % Slots Growth Location Buy Price (Gil) Sell Price (Gil) Special
Bronze Bangle 8 0 0 0 0 Nothing Cloud's, Barret's, Tifa's and Aeris' initial equipment. - 50 -
Iron Bangle 10 0 2 0 1 Normal Buy in Sector 7. 160 80 -
Titan Bangle 14 2 4 0 2
0 linked
Normal Buy in Sector 5, Wall Market.
Find outside Sector 5 Reactor (defeat Air Buster).
280 140 -
Mythril Armlet 18 3 6 0 2
2 linked
Normal Red XIII's initial equipment.
Buy in Wall Market, Kalm, Under Junon, Junon.
Find in Shinra Building (defeat Heli Gunner).
350 175 -
Carbon Bangle 27 3 8 0 3
2 linked
Normal Yuffie's initial equipment.
Buy in Costa del Sol, North Corel.
Steal from Moth Slasher (Shinra Building; Battle Square, Gold Saucer).
800 400 -
Four Slots 12 0 10 0 4
0 linked
Normal Buy in Costa del Sol (Part 1/Disc 1).
Find in Shinra Building (Floor 63).
1300 650 -
Platinum Bangle 27 3 8 0 3
2 linked
Double Buy in Junon, Costa del Sol.
Steal from Death Claw (Corel Prison; Battle Square, Gold Saucer).
1800 900 -
Rune Armlet 43 5 24 0 4
0 linked
Double Buy in Bone Village. 3700 1850 -
Shinra Beta 30 0 0 0 4
2 linked
Normal Steal from Marine (Cargo Ship).
Find in Junon Underwater Reactor (defeat Submarine Crew).
- 1 -
Silver Armlet 34 4 14 0 4
2 linked
Normal Cait Sith's and Vincent's initial equipment.
Buy in Cosmo Canyon.
Find in Corel Prison (defeat Dyne).
1300 650 -
Gold Armlet 46 4 22 0 4
4 linked
Normal Cid's initial equipment.
Buy in Rocket Town.
Steal from Dragon (Mt. Nibel; Battle Square, Gold Saucer).
Find in Weapon Seller's House (near Gongaga).
2000 1000 -
Gigas Armlet 59 0 0 0 5
4 linked
Nothing Steal from Gigas (Whirlwind Maze; Battle Square, Gold Saucer).
Find in Temple of the Ancients (defeat Demons Gate).
- 1 -
Diamond Bangle 57 6 37 0 5
4 linked
Normal Buy in Bone Village. 3200 1600 -
Adaman Bangle 93 0 23 0 2
2 linked
Normal Steal from Adamantaimai (Wutai Area, World Map; Battle Square, Gold Saucer). - 1 -
Warrior Bangle 96 0 21 0 4
4 linked
Normal Steal from Eagle Gun (Corel Train, Car #4). - 500 -
Fourth Bracelet 74 3 100 3 5
4 linked
Normal Find in Rocket Town. - 1 -
Crystal Bangle 70 8 45 1 6
6 linked
Normal Buy in Mideel. 4800 2400 -
Shinra Alpha 77 0 34 0 6
6 linked
Normal Steal from Captain (Junon Underwater Reactor), Underwater MP (Junon Underwater Reactor), SOLDIER:1st (Mako Cannon, Midgar).
Find in Fort Condor (defeat CMD.Grand Horn, your level must be low enough or you will instead get an Imperial Guard armor. N.B. Imperial Guard is a better armor.).
- 1 -
Imperial Guard 82 0 74 0 6
6 linked
Normal Find in Fort Condor (defeat CMD.Grand Horn, your level must be high enough or you will get a Shinra Alpha armor instead), Inside Northern Cave. - 1 -
Dragon Armlet 58 3 0 7 6
6 linked
Normal Steal from Dark Dragon (Inside Northern Cave).
Find in Temple of the Ancients (defeat Red Dragon), Gaea's Cliff (defeat Blue Dragon).
- 1 1/2 Fire, Cold & Lightning
Fire Armlet 72 8 52 3 4
4 linked
Normal Steal from Unknown (Sunken Gelnika).
Find in Gaea's Cliff.
- 1 Absorbs Fire
Aurora Armlet 76 8 54 3 4
4 linked
Normal Steal from Unknown 2 (Sunken Gelnika).
Find in Forgotten Capital.
- 2400 Absorbs Cold
Bolt Armlet 74 8 55 3 4
4 linked
Normal Steal from Unknown 3 (Sunken Gelnika; Battle Square, Gold Saucer).
Find in Forgotten Capital.
- 1 Absorbs Lightning
Precious Watch 0 0 0 0 8
0 linked
Normal Find in Chocobo Square (Gold Saucer, prize). - 1 -
Chocobracelet 35 10 38 10 4
0 linked
Normal Find in Chocobo Square (Gold Saucer, prize). - 1 -
Edincoat 50 0 33 0 7
0 linked
Normal Buy in Rocket Town.
Find in Rocket Town (defeat Palmer).
8000 4000 -
Wizard Bracelet 6 3 85 3 8
8 linked
Normal Buy in Mideel.
Steal from Epiolnis (Ancient Forest).
Find in Forgotten City (defeat Jenova LIFE).
12000 6000 -
Escort Guard 62 5 55 0 6
6 linked
Normal Morph Iron Man (Inside The Planet).
Find in Sunken Gelnika.
- 1 Man's Armlet, Nullifies Lightning, Earth, Water & Poison
Minerva Band 60 8 57 0 6
6 linked
Normal Steal from Turks:Elena (Midgar Underground, Part 2/Disc 2).
Find in Ancient Forest.
- 1 Woman's Armlet, Nullifies Fire, Cold, Gravity & Holy
Aegis Armlet 55 15 86 50 4
4 linked
Normal Find in Midgar Underground (Part 2/Disc 2). - 1 -
Ziedrich 100 15 98 18 0 Nothing Steal from Turks:Rude (Rocket Town, Part 2/Disc 2), (Sunken Gelnika, Part 2/Disc 2), (Midgar Underground, Part 2/Disc 2). - 1 1/2 all Elements
Mystile 65 50 72 60 6
6 linked
Normal Find in Midgar (Part 2/Disc 2), Inside Northern Cave. - 1 -
Name D. D. % M. D. M. D. % Slots Growth Location Buy Price (Gil) Sell Price (Gil) Special


FFVII Elite YouTube Channel

Beginners' Guide

Weapons Guide

Armor Guide

Accessory Guide

Materia Guide

Limit Breaks Guide

Enemy Skill Guide

Steal Guide

Morph Guide

Items Winnable from Battles Guide

Chocobos Guide

Enlisting Yuffie and Vincent

Status Effects Explanations

Wall Market Cross-Dressing Guide

Turtle's Paradise Flyers Locations

Shinra Building Floor 62

Shinra Building Floor 63

Junon Parade Guide

Gold Saucer Guide

Villa Cloud

W-Item Cheat

Huge Materia Rocket Code

Sunken Gelnika

Alexander & Added Cut Materia

Materia Selling Guide (make loads of Gil)

Ultimate Weapon, Emerald Weapon & Ruby Weapon

Key Items

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List of Every FFVII Title

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